Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Holy -- Take 2!

So, our guild's up to round about 8 level 70's now. The guild leader was originally going to be our main tank healer -- he's a Paladin. He's since then leveled a mage up to around 66 and fallen in love with that char. I had actually started another priest to lvl up to heal because I've enjoyed healing as well.

So, the way things are going now, I've respecced Holy (ONCE AGAIN), and he's working to get his mage up to lvl 70 to DPS with us. A mage utility is definitely not the same as a Shadow Priest utility, but the DPS is round about in the same category.. Spell Damage out the arse.

So, that leaves me as the main (and as far as I can tell, only) healer. We've got an Enhancement Shaman that has spoken of going Resto now that he's level 70, but I don't know how well that will work because he's never BEEN Resto. He may like it, he may not. I don't know.

I'm sort of glad that I've gotten shifted to the healer role (for the time being) because that way I can work on my alt that's already lvl 61 -- my rogue. Much less work to get him to level 70 than it would be to start a character from scratch.

I didn't go pure heal because I still want to be able to daily and make some cold hard cash. I'm sort of a good (I think) mix between a Smite build and a Healing build, with 5 points still (and probably always will be) in Spirit Tap. Spirit tap (Particularly with Divine Spirit in the Disc Tree) allows for almost non-stop grinding. I can't imagine a reason that I would ever want to get rid of that. Sure, it wouldn't be useful in the least in a healing role, but most of my time is spent soloing anyway. Or, for now at least.

So anyway, that's where I stand. Playing the rogue again whilst running dailies on the priest. The guild leader asked that we all layout a good time, 2 days a week, when we can all get together and start running instances. I think that's a fantastic idea, and I can't wait. Now, to get healing gear. +500 healing isn't going to cut it for very long, I don't think. hehe.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

What to do, what to do?

I don't much know, really. I've been finishing up some netherstorm quests, and doing dailies where I can to make money. I haven't maxed out tailoring yet so I still need to do that. I don't really know where my cash has gone, because I've only got 200g. Crazy.

I've bought up some mats to make shadowcloth so that I can start crafting my Frozen Shadoweave set. The next piece MAY come this weekend, but I'm not sure. I haven't PvP'd much anymore. I've been helping the guildies out with runs through instances and such... well, RUNS as much as a shadowpriest can. I get 3 or 4 of them together and basically just say "GO CRAZY." They DPS everything and I just don't let them die. That's about all I can do since spirit tap doesn't proc unless I get exp. It seems to work though. And I think they enjoy it because they're still doing most of the work.

Though I did find it amusing, I "RAN" ZF last night with a group of lvl 43-49 or so, and my wand did as much DPS as their going full out. Hehe.

Anyway. That's about it for now. Back to Dailying and questing. And alting more. hehe.