Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Take 2

So, we tried the raid again with a little more success. We downed the first boss with no issues and moved on to Moroes. We couldn't get him down, I don't know if it was what we were doing or what -- It's the boss, and 4 elite adds. Our OT was a friend of mine that had done it before, so he kind of took over the "Raid Leader" position this time. We had a full implement of 10 men, but only 2 healers this time, so we were still a little gimped on healers.

We got to Moroes and had the MT tank Moroes and 3 of his adds while the OT tanked the target we were DPSing and tried to keep second aggro on Moroes for when he stunned the MT. The issue though was that when Moroes stunned the MT, he went pretty much straight for the healers. The healers were the first to die in both of the times we tried. Sucked. I'll have to look up how to take him.

Next up, we left him and tried for Maiden. We tried once and wiped because I (on healing our OT that was tanking her) couldn't get heals off quick enough after the stun to keep the OT from dying. He was a bear druid and not in tanking gear, so between his gear and mine, we just weren't quite geared enough. I'll bet a druid healer in that instance would be amazing.

Anyway, that was about it. I did Heroic SV again the other night as well and got the Serpentcrest Life-Staff which dropped my +heals by about 40 and my mp5 by about 4, but pumped my stamina up a bit. So I'm glad about that.

I also got a sweet glove drop from Midnight in Kara to replace my next to last green item. I still have a green trinket that I need to replace and then I'll be all blue and purple. Like a bruise.


Not the raid, but us. I’ll preface by saying that we had little to no trouble with trash mobs, but weren’t able to take a boss.

Any boss.

We started off by trying Midnite – we made it to him, but we were going slow, taking our time because it was our FIRST time, and also because we were 9-manning it because one of our ranged DPS dropped and we weren’t able to find another. So! By the time we got there, some of the mobs that we’d killed had respawned. I’ve heard they’re on an hour timer. I call bullshit on that, or either we were bugged. We made it to him in maybe 30 minutes (which, granted, is too long – we could probably do it now in 10-15 knowing what to do). But when we attacked him, all the mobs that we had killed and had respawned came running to his aid and so we wiped.

We all go back and re-enter the instance, killing our way to him again. This time, it did only take about 15 minutes, but the mobs were already respawning again by the time we got to him. Yeah, hour my ass. :P

So we eventually give up on midnight and make our way to Maiden. No problem getting there again. Our MT is a pally and she kept interrupting him (not totally sure how) but that was the call. He wasn’t able to hold agro as well as usual and so we wiped on her twice. By this time, it had been a couple of hours, we’re STILL running with only 9, and we decide to call it a night.

As to our group make-up – Pally MT, Warrior OT, 2 Priest healers, 1 Pally healer (healing the OT), Mage, 2 DPS warriors, and 1 Hunter. The one we lost was another hunter.

Next time? Lose one of the DPS warriors, pick up another hunter, and some other DPS class. Maybe a shadowpriest or a shaman or someone who brings some utility as well. I say “DPS Warriors” but they were really both Arms warriors with PVP gear, so they weren’t the best. The hunter was topping the DPS charts with the mage close behind. I was topping the heal charts (in charge mainly of raid healing and helping with the MT since I had the highest MP5 and had specced Circle of Healing for the occasion). The other priest was right behind with the pally a distant third.

I say distant third – it wasn’t because he was slacking off, he was doing a good job keeping the OT alive and I didn’t see him below 60% mana except on the occasions when we wiped. He wasn’t bad at all. We tried shackling the undead mobs and I had some issues with that, but once I got it down (focus, shackle) it wasn’t too bad.

All in all, I think we would do OK with a little more DPS and a raid leader (no offense to the GM, he did what he could and did get a couple of guides ahead of time) that has been through the instance a few times. You just can’t beat experience, I think. Or even if one of those DPS warriors had been willing/able to throw on a shield and 1h and pick up one of the Adds, it would have made life easier.

I also realize that I need more stamina. A lot. I have 1350 heals and over 200 Mp5, but just under 7k health. I lost some of the +heals to get to about 7,500 h and 1100 or so +heal for some of the encounters but it’s just not enough. QUITE. So I guess I should work on gearing up a little more.

Anyway, that’s my story.