Thursday, October 16, 2008


Well, I got to spend some time playing last night -- not much though because most of my time was spent haggling with BarTender4 trying to get it to get all my bars in the right place.

Now that I have more skills to use, I had to set it up so that I have more keys to activate those skills. So now most of my skills (at least the ones that I use) occupy 1-6, SHIFT+1-6, z,x,c,v,b, and f and g on the kb. Crazy! And everytime I got it like I liked, I'd save. But when I saved, my bars moved all around again! Gr. hehe.

But anyway. I lost Starshards, which sort of sucks. I gained Devouring Plague in its place, but that costs mana, and takes 24 seconds to tic all the way out -- most fights don't last 24s when you're questing, so I don't think that's going to become that useful.

I really don't understand the way VT works now as far as giving back mana. Crazy. Imp SF (when faded) reduces spell pushback by 70% (almost entirely) which is nice for those PvP moments. I ended up getting buffed from just over 550 to about 630 spellpower. That's still weak and I need to work on getting that upped. Shouldn't be too difficult though with the spellpower changes.

Additionally, Mind Flay CRITS now. That's one of the most incredible changes in my opinion. MF Crits hit for about 950 dmg, and with around a 12% crit chance, that's about 1 MF crit every 3 MF's.

I put EVERY SINGLE ONE of my talent points into shadow, totally leaving out Imp PW:F (which I kinda wish I hadn't), Meditation (which isn't so needed anymore) and Inner Focus -- which I didn't use too much anyway.

Dispersion -- take 90% less damage, regen around 35% health and mana in 6 seconds -- proved to be quite nice. Between mana pots, 3m shadowfiend, and dispersion, i should never run out of mana. My DPS should theoretically get bumped on the longer fights, but it was sitting round about the same (500 or so) in my encounters in shadowmoon. I can't wait to get into an instance!

Anyway, that's it. :)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

New Server, New Patch, New Priest!

Well, if it hasn't been a long ass time since I posted. Things have chaaanged! My guild on my previous (very low pop) server has sort of disbanded. The two people there that I really cared to talk to both joined a different guild interested in raiding. Yeah, I'm interested in raiding, but got tired of the very low pop server.

In addition to that, a good friend of mine (that was also in that guild) transferred off server where a bunch of his other friends went. So! I followed him. Gorgonnash is the new one, and I'm in a guild with more 70's (even though they're more into the PvP aspect than I care to be), on a server with many more people.

I figured, since I was moving, I'd re-spec shadow again and gear up a bit before the coming expansion. That way, it'll make it easier for me to level up to 80 once Wrath comes out. I dropped Primal Mooncloth tailoring and picked up Shadoweave again (which I now realize that I probably shouldn't have done! gr. 150g out the window). Beyond that, I'm loving being shadow again!

Last night, the expansion (to 3.0.1?) came out with all new skills and talents! I respecced in my normal fashion -- took one of the "cookie cutter" builds (as much as they can be on the first day of a new patch) and tweaked it a little bit. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten that much of a chance to play since then. But I need to! I'm down to about zilch gold now that I've re-bought all the skills. Luckily, I can put a hiatus on gearing up, I think, and put on my Primal Mooncloth gear to DPS -- but how to make cash?

The one thing I've really noticed about this new server is that the horde is relentless on the Isle. That's where I do dailies because the're all so concentrated in a small area. I get ganked repeatedly everytime I'm over there. Being a shadowpriest, I was pretty gimped in the PvP area previously as well.. that, and I don't like it so much, so I don't play it that much. I may get more into BG's now that the new spec is out there though.

We'll see how it goes. :)

But, I'm very happy to be on a new server, and very excited to get to tinker with my new spec. :D L8z. More posts coming soon.