Thursday, July 3, 2008

Holy, Continued

Eesh, so it’s been a while since I’ve putten anything to paper. Or digital media, or whatever. I’ve been a busy little priest, in the hour or so here and there that I get to play. I’m still specced holy (and loving it). I did suck it up and drop Spirit Tap to spec into the normal 23/38 Raid Healing spec. Improved Divine Spirit is nice, and keeps my MP5 up a bit higher while I’m casting as well as why I’m not with Meditation thrown in there. So it works out. I can still grind pretty much non-stop using my shadowfiend when he becomes available. There’s some wand action thrown in and it’s a bit slower (because my damage is pretty lacking) but I don’t die. Which, in it’s own way, keeps the speed up.

We’ve done a few runs through some of the instances, but most of them have been the easier, LOWER than 70 ones. We did run Shattered Halls the other day. It was pretty impressive, none of us had ever run it before, and we did wipe twice, but we managed to clear it without any real difficulty. We wiped one time when we pulled one group, got feared into another group, and then before we could take them out, a pat came up and aggro’d to me (our healer). By this time, I was throwing a lot of healing out and so our pally tank had a bit of difficulty keeping the pat off of me, and as such, I bit the dust. Kicked the bucket. Etc.

The second time was on the last boss. He has some weird “aoe” type attack that deals 1200-2200 damage to everyone in the party a few times (every 30 seconds, I think) and then there are a bunch of adds too. Anyway, the mage and I died about 30 seconds into the fight the first time. The remaining 3 (Pally Tank, Pally and Warrior DPS) managed to get the boss down to about 35% without a healer.. I got prayer of mending and renew on each of them in SoR, which helped at first. The pally DPS dropped back and dropped some heals, but he ran OOM pretty quick. At least they stayed alive long enough that we got a pretty good taste for the fight though. So we took him down the next time. When the boss started doing his AOE thing, I got a shield up on myself, and a renew on the mage, and dropped out a prayer of mending. Between all that, none of us died, and a quick prayer of healing afterwards topped us back up enough. He did that 2 more times in the fight but it wasn’t too bad after learning how to deal with it. I went a little overboard the first time, actually and so held back a little the second time. Yeah, his attacks were stronger that time and so the mage almost died. He did kick the bucket the third time, actually. Got crit for like 3.6. Anyway! Good times.

That brings me to another point. I <3 pally tank. I’ve run with a good warrior tank before as well and I liked him too, but he was totally epicced out. Our “MT” is a pally and he can hold agro from large groups with little difficulty. His Def. rating is up around 490 and he’s got over 10k health buffed, and I don’t really have much trouble keeping him alive unless the group he’s holding is either really tough, or there’s a boss mixed in. We did, however, have some issues with getting feared during shattered halls the other day though, and I dunno if a warrior tank would be able to handle that any better or not.

Let’s see, as to my gear. I’m up to 3 epics now, and some good sweet blues. I’m still running some +spelldamage blues from the shadow days, but I’m hoping to have those replaced soon. I so wish I could get my cenarion rep the rest of the way up to revered so I could buy the blue healing hood from the quartermaster there. But, I’ve managed to get 2 pieces (belt and shoulders) of the primal mooncloth set. I put the lower level +heal Aldor shoulder inscription on the shoulders. I’ve gotten Pants of the Naaru +77 heals and some mp5) and embroidered them with Silver Spellthread (something like 43 or so more +heals). I got the epiccy BG bracers with +53 or so heal, and enchanted those with +30 (or is it +20?) heal. So I’m sitting at around 1090 +healing and 128 or so mp5 casting. Next on the list is the Cenarion Rep Hood (with the Honor Hold Rep +Heals piece) and the RING from the BG’s. I’m really praying for the Serpentcrest Life Staff drop from Steam Vaults (that I’m going to have to run at least twice anyway to get my Cenarion Rep up.) That’s another +227 healing. I’m wielding either a +85 dmg/heal staff or a +95 heal dagger (with no offhand yet) depending on the situation. I will probably stick with the staff, it has better stats.

I got a couple of healing pieces from some of the instances we ran too on my back and feet and hands. They can be upgraded, but they are suitable for now. Also the +55 heal neck piece is wicked. J

So anyway. It’s coming along. Slowly but surely.

1 comment:

Majestiq said...

Pally friend of mine told me about the Essense Focuser on the AH for 60g. I snagged that baby right away. +227 healing and 11MP5. And it's a 1h mace.

I did a quest with our pally tank (that he was doing) and managed another +33 heal, 6 MP5 offhand. So, that's over +260 heals and 17 MP5 casting in the weapon slot alone. :D