Friday, April 18, 2008


I probably shouldn’t have, but I dropped alchemy the other day and picked up tailoring. I had my alchemy up to around 350 and was just recently able to start transmuting primals. But that doesn’t really help ME out much, other than the money situation. Which is nice, but I’ve never really had that much money anyway. I typically barely scrape by when time comes to buy my mount. In fact, I was level 62 before I got my epic mount. I felt left behind. I’ve only got around 550g now, and I believe that’s about half enough to afford my flyer in 3 more levels.

All this leads to the fact that I’ve always found it easier to make my own armor than it is to buy it. At least if you’re going for decent gear. I am on a PvP server, but I don’t PvP much. And having the schedule that I do, I doubt I’ll ever do a raid. Maybe something small like Kara, but that’s probably about the extent of it. The longest time I get to play (at a time) is typically about 2 hours – 3 if I push my luck. So I’ll probably end up PvPing more in the end, but I don’t think I could really start level 70 PvP with outland greens and blues. That’d make me little more than a small distraction. A gnat to be swatted away.

So anyway, I ran through Stockades and Deadmines with my 60 Rogue and got all the Linen / Wool that I needed to level up to 125. I’m following a guide online to minimize the cost / mats that I need to level up my tailoring. It’s going to be a nightmare once I get to runecloth and Netherweave though because I don’t really have any good runecloth farming characters. I think the rogue can run SM to get some silk, and maybe find a good place to farm the Mageweave. The runecloth farming may even level him up a little.

Or I could spend my last 500g buying mats, and forget about the mount. I don’t wanna do that though. I want to fly! J So I’m at about 125 now, running SM later today if I can to get some silk, and we’ll see how much higher we can get it then. Soon, I should be able to at least start making some stuff that’ll be helpful to the guildies.

1 comment:

Majestiq said...

For those interested in grinding your own mats.

Linen Cloth – Solo Deadmines Run x2
Wool Cloth – Solo Stockades Run x2 (Topped off the Linen that I needed)
Silk Cloth – Solo SM Cath Run x47 (Not really, but it took several, as I needed around 900 silk cloth.
Mageweave Cloth – Roughly 4 hours of grinding in the Hinterlands on the trolls in the northeast corner. YMMV. (Your mileage may vary)
Runecloth – Grinding on Trolls and the undead type things in Hellfire Penninsula and snapping up any and all that I found in the AH for less than 3g/stack.
Netherweave Cloth – You need close to 3,000. Any humanoid mobs in outland drop it like it’s hot. I also bought about 900 of these at 2.5g/stack which was awesome. Keep an eye on the AH and it isn’t that bad. That’s 112g for about 1/3 of the mats I needed. Grinding the rest of the mats, though, pretty much recouped the cost of the 112g I spent on them.

So, it wasn’t too awful. Would I do it all again? Sure. But I’d probably spend some more time watching the AH for that arcane dust. I have a feeling I could have gotten that for cheaper. I bought 100 of them at 20-25g per stack of 20. So